Katzrin Ashkenaz Minyan

The Katzrin Ashkenaz Minyan welcomes you to join us!
We strive to include everyone in the experience of Tefillot Shabbat and Chag. We are always open to guests and to members of the Katzrin community. Please join us for meaningful lay-led Tefilah on Shabbat, or for a Shiur - we host Shiurim in English on Sunday mornings.

Want to get involved? 
Please join in our efforts to build youth programming, volunteer to lead Tefillah, read from the Torah, or share a Dvar Torah with the community.
Our weekly kiddush is a great opportunity to connect with friends and meet new people. Sponsorship opportunities are available.

If you are interested in getting involved or finding out more about our community, please use the contact page to be in touch.